About your Privacy
At TTAS, LLC dba Total Trust Accounting Service, we believe it is important to protect the privacy and confidences of our customers. This notice is intended to explain how we collect, use, and protect any information that we may collect. It will explain the choices you may make about the use of that information.
What Information Do We Collect About You?
We collect certain types of information about you. This may consist of:
- Your name, address and telephone number.
- Your email address.
- Your taxpayer ID or government ID Numbers.
- Your financial information.
We collect this information from:
- The application or other forms you fill out with us.
- The correspondence you and other direct to us.
- Our transactions with you.
In some cases, we collect information from third parties. For instance, we may receive information regarding accessing your computer network from your Information Technology (IT) representative.
How Do We Use This Information?
We use the information we collect to respond to your requests. WE DO NOT SHARE your information with other companies.
How Can You “Opt Out?”
We do not share your information so there is no need to opt out.
The Information We Collect About You on Our Website
When you enter our website, we automatically collect and store certain information. This consists of:
- Your IP (Internet Protocol) Address and domain name.
- The type of browser and operating system you use.
- The time of your visit.
- The pages of our site you visit.
- If you register with us, or fill out an online survey, we will collect additional personal information, such as your name, telephone number, email address and mailing address.
Cookie Usage
In order to provide you with customized service, we make use of “cookies”. Cookies are essentially files that help us identify your computer and respond to it. You may disable cookies on your own computer, but you may not be able to download online documents unless cookies are enabled.
How We Use Information
The information we collect concerning:
- Your browser
- The time and date of your visit
- The web pages or services you accessed
Is used for administrative and technical purposes. For instance, we may use it to count the number of visitors to our site and determine the most popular pages. We may also use it to review the types of technology you are using, determine which link brought you here, assess how our advertisements on other sites are working, and to help with maintenance.
We use information contained in your emails only for the purpose of responding to those emails. If we ask you to fill out any forms or surveys, we will use that information we receive only for the specific purposes indicated in those forms or surveys.
Your Right to See and Correct Information
If you wish to see the information collected about you, please contact our office.
Children’s Policy
We do not knowingly collect information from children under the age of 18. We delete any information that we discover has been provided by children.
We make every effort to protect the integrity of your information. Any personal information you enter into online forms or surveys will be encrypted to ensure it remains private. We limit the right of access to your information to employees that need to use the information to respond to or process your request or transaction. We also take industry standard (IPEC) measures to protect our sites from malicious intrusions or hacking.
Phishing and Pretexting
As you know, consumers are increasingly targeted by unscrupulous persons attempting to acquire sensitive personal or financial information, by impersonating legitimate businesses. We will never send you an unsolicited email or other communication requesting your private information. If you receive a communication directing you to enter your personal information, please disregard the instruction and contact us immediately at Trish@TotalTrustAccounting.com.
Do Not Track
Because there is not an industry-standard process or defined criteria to permit a user to opt out of tracking their internet access (Do Not Track or DNT), we do not currently respond to the various DNT signals.
How to Contact Us
If you have any questions about our privacy policy, please contact us:
- By email: Trish@TotalTrustAccounting.com
- By telephone: (205) 424-8404
- By fax: (888) 398-0912
- By mail: 724 Farmington Drive, Lebanon, TN 37087
- In person: 724 Farmington Drive, Lebanon, TN 37087